General donations can be used for any Foundation-sponsored activity. Donations are fully tax-deductible.
Funds will be used to purchase items for the Silent Auction. Donations are fully tax-deductible.
Bikes for Youth donations are restricted and can only be used for the Foundation Bikes for Youth Program.
Since 2012, BrewFest has been our largest charity event.
Donations are fully tax-deductible!
Sponsor contribution is vital to continue our important charity work. We cannot succeed without the generosity of supporters like you. Thank you!
Funds will be used to purchase items for the Silent Auction.
Scholarship donations are restricted and can only be used for the Foundation Scholarship program. Scholarships are awarded each year to remarkable graduating students as selected by the Scholarship Committee. For more information, contact the scholarship committee at
Copyright© 2025 - Kiwanis Club of Thousand Oaks California Charitable Foundation,
a 501(c)(3) foundation - All Rights Reserved.